Muslim Boys Names Starting with M
1,168 Names, Showing Page 39 of 39
Successful, prosperous, lucky, fortunate.
Muwaqqa is an Arabic name for boys that means brave.
Muwassil is an Arabic name for boys that means one who carries out deeds to increase someones love for him, especially a person who does good deeds and performs charity to become more beloved to God.
Muawwaz is an Arabic name for boys that means one given restitution, one given something in place of something he lost.
Muyassir is an Arabic name for boys that means facilitator, one who makes something easy or possible.
Victorious, triumphant, conqueror.
Muzahhi is an Arabic name for boys that means one who sacrifices, especially one who gives away much of his wealth, or tires himself in doing charity. It also means one who slaughters sacrificial animals during Eid al-Adha.
Protector, defender, supporter
Muzain is an Arabic name for boys that means rain-bearing cloud. It is the diminutive form of Muzn.
Muzaini is an Arabic name for boys that means rain-bearing cloud. It is an attribution to Muzain.
Muzakir is a direct Quranic name for boys that means one who reminds people of Allah, one who causes people to remember Allah. The Quran uses it to describe Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) in verse 88:21. BLANKENTER So remind them (O Muhammad), you are only one who reminds. (Quran 88:21)
Wrapped,One who is enwrapped in garments. Al-Muzzammil: title of the 73rd Sura of the Quran. In this sura, Allah addresses the Prophet Muhammad.
Muzarib is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means striker, fierce attacker. It is the name of one of the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet (PBUH), whose full name is Muzarib bin Zaid. Muzarib is derived from the DHAD-R-B root which is used in many places in the Quran.
Muzayyan is an Arabic name for boys that means beautified, adorned.
Muzayyin is an Arabic name for boys that means beautifier, adorner.
Muzdahir is an Arabic name for boys that means blooming, thriving, prospering, flourishing.
Muzhi is an Arabic name for boys that means one who prays the Zuha prayer, which is a prayer that can be done in the morning. It also means one causes something to become apparent/manifest.
Witnessed, name of companion
One who is wrapped up, a title of the Prophet